Howto add database fields to write document

Create database file using Base. (You can use base wizard, or use design view, see below.)
-Save it as Test.odb

Open Writer. You can open some text document in it.
-Click on "View"/"Data Sources". (Or press F4)
-Click on database "Test". (Or Right click in the name field, and select registered databases to add new link.)
-Click on "Tables"
-Click on table name.

Now click Column Name, and drag and drop to Writer document. That is it.
-Save document.

-Remember to click on save database, if you change data in database. This is done by clicking on save floppy above the name of the database.

-You can use insert frame to be sure that text field position won't move, when you type in text
-You can insert scanned images (of pages).

To print page with data, you can click on "print" icon, and choose:
-which record you want to print. 1,5, 1-2, all, ...
-output: file or printer
-save as single document or more documents.

You can use F4 to reconnect to new odb file. You might have to drag and drop fields again. (Untested)

-to edit fields in a form, right click on table name, and then select "edit database file"
-to edit form, right click on it, and select "edit"
-to change appearance of the form later click on icon of a hand, at the bottom of the screen. ("design mode on/off")
-to enable word wrap in memo fields, turn design mode on (hand icon), right click on the field, click on "control", find "word break", change it to "yes". Turn design mode off  (hand icon)

More info on creating table:
-"create table in design view"

-type: "id", without quotes in field name.
-field type: "Integer".
-auto value: "Yes". (You should see icon of a "key" in the left, when you move to the next row. It means this field is primary key, an unique identifier for each data row)

-type below that: "first_name", without quotes in field name. (Type will be set to "text[varchar]")
-type below that: "last_name", without quotes in field name. (Type will be set to "text[varchar]")

-Save table as "Table1"